
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Vitaly Bianki & Aleksandra Yakobson

Vitaly BiankiBianki, V. Latka / Vitaly Bianki. - Moscow : Detgiz, 1955. - 20 p.
Бианки, В. Латка / Виталий Бианки. - Москва : Детгиз, 1955. - 20 с.

Vitaly Bianki
Drawings by Alexandra Yakobson

Vitaly Bianki

Drawings by Alexandra Yakobson

Vitaly Bianki

Drawings by Alexandra Yakobson

Vitaly Bianki

Drawings by Alexandra Yakobson

Vitaly Bianki

Drawings by Alexandra Yakobson

Vitaly Bianki

Drawings by Alexandra Yakobson

Vitaly Bianki

Drawings by Alexandra Yakobson

Drawings by Alexandra Yakobson

Vitaly Bianki

Drawings by Alexandra Yakobson

Vitaly Bianki

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fox in Russian book illustrations

Fox, Russian fairy tale, illustration
The Fox is a traditional character in Russian folk tales,
 she is portrayed as crafty but charming personage.

retold by I. Sokolov-Mikitov ; drawings by Y. Vasnetsov. 
- Moscow : Progress Publishers, 1968. - 24 с.

retold by I. Sokolov-Mikitov ; drawings by Y. Vasnetsov. 
- Moscow : Progress Publishers, 1968. - 24 с.

Drawings by Igor and Kseniya Ershov

Волк и лиса / С. Маршак ; рисунки А. Георгиевской. 
- Ленинград : Печатный двор, 1978. - 12 с.

Лиса и заяц : русская народная сказка / рис. Юрия Васнецова. 
- Москва : Прогресс, 1977. - 20 с. - Амхарский язык.

Drawings by Yevgeny Rachev

The Girl and the Fox : Russian folk tale
Lazar Sklyutovsky, 1968

The Girl and the Fox : Russian folk tale
Lazar Sklyutovsky, 1968

Волк и лиса / Тоголок Молдо ; художник В. Рыжов. 
- Фрунзе : Мектеп, 1973. - 20 с.

Волк и лиса / Тоголок Молдо ; художник В. Рыжов. 
- Фрунзе : Мектеп, 1973. - 20 с.

Волк и лиса / Тоголок Молдо ; художник В. Рыжов.
 - Фрунзе : Мектеп, 1973. - 20 с.

Rare book, Lvov, Drawings by A.Vozny, Soviet books for children

 Illustration to Russian folk tale "The little round bun" (Kolobok)
 Lviv, 1985 year edition. Drawings by A.Vozny

The book of poetry by Sergey Yesenin
Drawings by N.Zakharzhevsky

The pup by Evgeny Charushin
For the first time this pup appeared in the book "Shaggy guys" in 1933,
where the drawing was tricolor and without the fir tree and the mushroom.

Уроки вежливости / С. Маршак ; рисунки А. Георгиевской.
- Ленинград : Печатный двор, 1978. - 12 с.

Lesson of politeness by Samuil Marshak 
Drawings by A.Georgievskaya

fairy tale Vasnetsov The Fox and the Hare
The Fox and the Hare
Drawing by Yuri Vasnetsov
The fox is crying because her ice house has melted.

Кот, петух и лиса : русская сказка / рисунки Ю. Васнецова. 
- Ленинград : Художник РСФСР, 1985. - 16 с.

he Girl and the Fox Sineva
The Girl and the Fox : Russian folk tale
Drawing by Natalya Sinyova
Fox helps the girl to find home and meet her grandparents.

V.Sinani fairy tale
Artful hedgehog, 1960 year edition
Drawing by Vadim Sinani

Kolobok fox
Russian folk tale "The little round bun" (Kolobok)
 Drawings by Igor and Kseniya Ershov

Zhiharka fox fairy tale folk
Russian folk tale "Zhiharka"
Drawings by A.Eliseev

Drawing by Tamara Zebrova

Russian folk tale "The girl and the fox"
Drawings by V.Markin

Drawings by Boris Kalaushin

Drawings by Boris Kalaushin

Yuri Vasnetsov, book for children

Russian folk tale "The little round bun" (Kolobok)
Drawings by Yuri Vasnetsov

Russian folk tale "The fox and the Hare"
Drawings by Francheska Yarbusova

Russian folk tale "The fox and the crane"
Drawings by Veniamin Losin

Drawing by Kirill Ovchinnikov

HannaRivka bookshop